RVA Times Are A Changin’ / Grandes cambios en Richmond
The Hispanic population of Richmond is set to increase rapidly over the next 25 years, per new projections. By 2040, Hispanics will represent 1/3 of the population of Richmond. This represents a huge shift in the makeup of the area, and to help this change go smoothly it is important that we can all communicate with each other and grow together as a more diverse community. This makes knowledge of Spanish even more important among the non-Spanish speaking population, and also knowledge of English among those who only speak Spanish.
In sum: If you don’t know Spanish, start learning now!
En suma: ¡Si no sabe inglés, comience a aprenderlo ahora!
Read about the forecasted changes here:
Richmond’s population expected to become 1/3 Hispanic, top 250,000 by 2040
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