The Final Stretch!
Although many schools are having graduations right now, many aren’t even in finals yet! It is definitely crunch time, though, so here are some tips to get you through exams:
– Focus on grammar points that gave you trouble during the year. Your time will be better used reviewing the material covered on a quiz you didn’t do so well on versus the material from one you got an A on.
– Don’t waste time reviewing obscure verbs – focus on the most common ones. You are more likely to see “to be,” “to go,” or “to have” than “to fit,” “to invest,” or “to extend.” This isn’t to say that your teacher may not put those less-common verbs on the test, but if you are short on time you want to focus on those that are more likely to appear.
– Get a good night’s sleep! You will NOT remember what you study between midnight and 6am! And don’t think you will “get up early and study.” Cramming is not effective, and if you are already tired from intense study sessions then you may not wake up at all!
GOOD LUCK from Ready Languages!
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