Words, Words, Words
Yes, you have a Chem final coming up. Yes, the end-of-year play is having practice every night. Yes, you are drained from taking APs the past few weeks and you need to prepare for the SAT you signed up for on June 6th.
BUT…you have been working toward your final grade in your foreign language class for almost 9 months, or at least a semester. So make this time count to get the highest grade you can! Now is the time to begin reviewing for your final exam, especially if it’s cumulative!
Remembering vocab from the first chapter you did this semester or year is tough. If you have flash cards or a flash card app, divide the cards among the days and weeks you have left and start reviewing, even if it’s for 15 minutes on the subway or while you watch tv. If you don’t have time for flash cards or don’t like them, photocopy the vocabulary pages from your textbook so that you have something portable to study anywhere, anytime. Usually your textbook will have a page at the end of each chapter with all the new words listed on it.
Good luck, and look out for more tips from Ready Languages in the coming weeks!
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